SRC Publications
The Social Research Centre, a predecessor of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, was established in 1969. It was first headed by Prof. Ambrose Y. C. King, and then by Prof. Rance P. L. Lee. Well-known research projects include “Hawking Activities and Their Social and Economic Implications in Hong Kong”, “Fertility Attitudes and Behaviour in Hong Kong”, “Social Causes of Violent Crimes among Young Offenders in Hong Kong”, “Development and Social Life in Kwun Tong New Town”, and “Corruption and Its Control in Hong Kong”.
In total, 98 occasional papers were published by the Social Research Centre.
In 1982, the Social Research Centre was restructured and incorporated into the Institute of Social Studies, under which were the Centre for Hong Kong Studies and the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies.
By LAU Siu-kai
English/28 x 21 cm/paperback/published in March 1982